Welcome to the Nine Arches Press and Under the Radar magazine submissions portal.

You can submit your manuscripts for full collections of poetry, and short fiction and poetry to Under the Radar magazine, here. 

Under the Radar magazine will be open to submissions of poetry and short fiction on the following dates in 2024-2025


1st May – 7th June 2024

1st November – December 7th 2024 (THEMED ISSUE: 'FLIGHT')


1st June – 7th July 2024

1st December 2024 – 7th January 2025

We strongly advise that you please read the guidelines for submission for each category carefully before submitting your writing to the magazine.

You can also submit full poetry collections for Nine Arches Press to consider for publication here. 

We will be open to submissions of poetry collection manuscripts on the following dates in 2024:

  •  1st - 31st October 2024


Please note that we are not currently accepting submissions of:

  •  poetry pamphlets
  •  collaborations (or other manuscripts by more than one author)
  • children's poetry or illustrated books. 
  • posthumous collections.
  • poetry in translation

We strongly advise you read our submissions guidelines in full here before submitting poetry to Nine Arches Press, and familiarise yourself with our publications. 


  • 1st - 31st October 2024

Please read these submission guidelines carefully. We cannot consider submissions that ignore these guidelines

  • We actively encourage and welcome diverse submissions, and would love to see more poetry submitted to us by women and non-binary poets, Black, Asian, mixed-race and other Poets of Colour, D/deaf, disabled, working class/low income, and LGBTQI+ poets.
  • Please note that we are not currently accepting submissions for: poetry pamphlets, posthumous publications, children's poetry, collaborations, translations or manuscripts by more than one author, or illustrated books.

  • We are currently accepting submissions for both debut collections from new or emerging poets and submissions from established poets with previous collections published. We welcome poets of all ages.


  • We request that you send us a sample of twenty poems in one document from your full collection in the first instance. Please also include a short biographical note, which should include information of any previous or forthcoming publication (in magazines, journals, pamphlets, collections, online etc.).


  • Please only submit previously unpublished work. By this, we mean that the complete collection of poems you are sending us should not have already been published either in physical form or online together as one complete collection, book or pamphlet. Publication of individual poems in various or selected magazines, journals, or e-magazines is fine, and a selection from a pamphlet is also acceptable. Please contact us if you're unsure.


  • We will only seriously consider publishing poets who have a track record of publication or audience for their poems in the United Kingdom in some form. By this, we mean that you have had a record of previous publication of your poems in some of the following: poems in magazines or journals, featured, listed or winning as part of prizes or competitions, published in anthologies, in pamphlets or in previous full collections (but not in self-published volumes) or commissioned for performance, video or audio. If you have no track record of previous publication in any of the forms listed above, please consider this point carefully before sending us your work, as it is highly unlikely we would accept a collection where the poet has no track record of previous publication of poems elsewhere. If in doubt, please send us an email to clarify.


  • Please do not make multiple submissions, either by sending us work you have also simultaneously submitted to other publishers (whole or in part), or by sending further additional manuscripts for us to consider before we have responded to your first submission. We cannot consider submissions which ignore this request.


  • We do have a very high volume of work to consider, so please allow at least twelve weeks from the close of each submission window for a reply with regard to your manuscript.

Thank you for reading these guidelines, and all the very best of luck with your submission. We look forward to reading your work.

Any questions? Please contact our Editor Jane Commane via email at: mail@ninearchespress.com

Nine Arches Press